Friday, October 28, 2022
If your niche is related to either business or education, then you probably have used PowerPoint at one point. If you frequently send a sales pitch or present a weekly report using PowerPoint, then you must be experienced with creating slides.
A PowerPoint presentation is meant to present data and information. It aims to tell a story using infographics, texts, charts, and so on. You can find its use in many professions and areas but it is commonly used in businesses and schools. A typical slideshow contains texts, charts, and pictures.
In general, we don’t often see a video being added to a PowerPoint. If there’s a need to play one, the video is usually played separately. This is because videos that are too long are huge in file size thus can make your slideshow freeze or lag. If the video is not more than 2 minutes then you can definitely add this to your presentation. You don’t have to navigate away from your presentation just to play it.
In this blog, we are going to show you how you can place and customize Doodly video in a PowerPoint presentation.
If you usually create a PowerPoint presentation for work or for school, it would help if you have a placeholder. A placeholder is pre-formatted slides and it is mainly used to make sure that your formatting is consistent. This includes consistency in font size, style, headings, background, and design. In a placeholder, the areas where you need to import pictures or videos contain links to import them so you don’t have to go to the Insert tab to import your graphics. If you are creating a monthly or a weekly report, a placeholder will make things easier for you.
We have created a sample placeholder below. The first page contains the PowerPoint’s video title. You will also see a familiar Doodly image added on our first page.
On the second page, we added a Doodly video. If you noticed, when we hit the Slide Show to play the presentation, the video plays automatically. Now, this is something that others might consider having in a slideshow so we will have a walkthrough on setting up automatic video play later.
Let’s take a peek at the sample placeholder:
To add a video to your PowerPoint, you can do the following:
1. If you have added the content layout with the option to insert your video, you can just click the filmstrip icon and import your video.
It is a good practice to add content layout to your placeholder. Whenever you add graphics or video to your presentation, the video automatically snaps in position. This means you can keep your videos in place and you can minimize the effort of moving videos around for the purpose of aligning them.
2. Another way to import your video is by clicking the Insert tab. From the Insert tab, locate Video. Click the option This device to import the video that is saved on your computer.
If you noticed, after we have imported the video, a series of slides appeared on the right side of the presentation. These are Design Ideas. From the word itself, design ideas give us ideas on possible slide designs based on our content. Yes, it is smart enough to provide designs that are relevant to our topic. This PowerPoint functionality is very useful. If you are running out of ideas on what to put on your slide, or how you should design it, try the design ideas. It provides great slide layouts and designs.
After importing the video, we can proceed in customizing how our video looks in our slide. If you are using your company’s placeholder, it most likely has a color theme. If this is the case, we want our graphics to match our company’s theme. We need to make sure that the border of our videos and images match the theme.
To add a border on your video, all we have to do is select the video on your slide and locate the Video Format tab. From the Video Format tab, you will see the different border types that you can use for your video. You can set up any color you like for your border and you can even add Video Effects or use a Video Shape.
To undo the changes made, just click Reset Design. You will see how this is done at the last portion of our video below.
When playing your slideshow, sometimes it is best to set your video to play automatically. But, there are also cases when we don’t want the video to play immediately. Maybe you need to introduce the video first or explain something prior to playing the video.
Here’s how you can either turn on or off the automatic playing of your video:
1. From your slide, select your video. You will see that two tabs will be added on your PowerPoint’s top menu: the Video Format and Playback.
2. Select Playback then look for the Start dropdown menu.
By default, the play option is set to In Click Sequence. Select the option Automatically if you want the video to play immediately as soon as your presentation reaches the slide where your video is on.
To disable automatic playing of your video, you can choose When Clicked On from the dropdown menu instead.
Here’s the actual way of setting up the automatic video play:
If you run an online business, you will most likely benefit more from creating whiteboard videos.
Next, we are going to add Doodly characters in our PowerPoint. While we cannot export the preset Doodly assets, you can still use them in your presentation. We can do this by taking a screenshot and pasting it on your slide.
1. Open the Doodly software and choose a preset Doodly character.
2. Take a snapshot of the character.
You can either press PrtSc on your keyboard then edit the edges or use screenshot software like a snipping tool, lightshot, etc. to capture the image.
3. If the snapshot taken is a bit pixelated, what you can do is preview your Doodly scene and take a screenshot of the bigger picture.
4. Paste the Doodly character in your PowerPoint presentation.
Lastly, we’ll show you the correct way of sharing your PowerPoint when presenting your screen via any conference app.
Sometimes, you want to do other things on your desktop while presenting your slideshow in a conference call. You may want to pull up some supporting documents, a calculator may be, an excel file, or maybe search the internet. The good news is, there is a way to present your slideshow and do other things on your desktop without having your audience see it. And yes, you can navigate away from the slideshow even if you only have a single desktop.
Here’s how:
1. On your PowerPoint presentation, click the Slide Show tab and then select Set Up Slide Show.
2. Under Show type, select Browsed by an individual (window) and then click OK.
3. And that’s it! You can now play your Slideshow and navigate your Zoom app or access other files in your desktop at the same time.
Now that we know how to add a Doodly video to a PowerPoint, we hope that you’ll give it a try and import one into your presentation. Until next time! 🙂
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