Thursday, November 03, 2022
Doodly’s main effect is drawing graphics and text on a whiteboard. Apart from drawing graphics, did you know that you can also create cool special effects within the software? We’re talking about adding some movements and highlights to your presentation that are all super easy to do. In today’s blog, we will show you how you can create these effects by giving you a step-by-step walkthrough of the process. These effects are simple but they are fun add-ons for your video. First on our list is the Erase effect.
The Erase feature is a great effect on your whiteboard animation video. It is a built-in effect in Doodly but not everyone uses it. Today we are going to show you how you can use the erase effect to hype your presentation.
We have divided our walkthrough process per scene. Let’s proceed with step 1 below.
STEP 1: Set your first scene’s Exit Animation to NONE.
For our first scene, we need to set the Exit animation to “X” or None. We do this because we don’t want our scenes to have any transition effect or any gaps in between scenes. We want them to move from one scene to the next flawlessly. (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1
Step 2: Add Extra time at the end
If you need more time for the viewers to read your text, you can always add extra time at the end of every scene. By default, the “Extra time at the end” is set to 0.5 seconds. For our video, we set it to 1.5 seconds. Now remember, this setting can be set per scene. This means that you can have different scene duration depending on the length of your text per scene. The more words you put on a scene, the more extra time at the end of each scene is needed. (Fig. 2)
Fig. 2
STEP 3: Update Layers settings
By default, the animation duration of every asset is 3 seconds. For our sample scene, we changed the animation duration of the background image to zero. Meaning, it won’t be scribbled by hand. The rest of the assets are set to be drawn for 3 seconds. The Delay value of all assets is set to zero. (Fig. 3)
Fig. 3
STEP 4: Duplicate the first scene.
From the timeline, select the first scene and right-click. Choose “Duplicate” to generate the second scene. (Fig. 4)
Fig. 4
STEP 5: Update Layers settings
In the second scene, we have to again update the Layers menu. This time, we set the animation duration of all assets to zero. Just like the first scene, the delay value should all be zero. We do not want the hand to redraw everything as it transitions to the succeeding scenes. (Fig. 5)
Fig. 5
STEP 6: Set your text’s Exit animation to Erase.
Select the texts that need to be replaced. To do this, click the gear icon to open the Asset Settings. From the Exit animation dropdown, select Erase. It’s okay to leave the animation duration of your text to 1.5 seconds. (Fig. 6)
Fig. 6
STEP 7: Duplicate the second scene.
Once again we need to duplicate our scene. From the timeline, select the second scene and right-click. Choose “Duplicate” to generate the third scene. (Fig. 7)
Fig. 7
STEP 8: Set you text’s Exit Animation to None.
In our third scene, we have to update the animation setting of all texts. If on the second scene the text’s exit animation is set to Erase, this time we need to change it to NONE. (Fig. 8)
Fig. 8
Step 9: Add the new texts.
It’s time to add the next set of texts. From the third scene, we will change our texts one at a time. To do that, just double-click the text and replace them with your next set of texts based on your script. (Fig. 9)
Fig. 9
We now have completed the process of creating an Erase effect. If you have several texts in your script, just repeat steps 6 to 9 of our Erase effect process.
Fig. 10
Here now is our video output:
Fig. 11
Here’s another example:
Fig. 12
The Glitch effect is a basic and simple effect. This effect is a bit jittery when used because we do have some limitations within the software but they’re still fun to use. We’ll talk about this system limitation as we proceed with step 1 of our glitch effect process.
STEP 1: Set your first scene’s Exit Animation to NONE.
The same thing with our first effect, we need to disable the Exit animation.
On the same pop-up setting, we will also see a menu to set our scene’s duration which is the Extra time at the end. This is the system limitation that we are referring to. To create a perfect glitch effect, we need to have the shortest possible time for our exit animation. Ideally, 0.3 seconds or less works best with our glitch effect. However with Doodly, we cannot make our scene duration go shorter than 0.5 seconds so we keep it at that timing. (Fig. 13)
Fig. 13
STEP 2: Update Layers settings
For our Glitch effect’s first scene, it’s okay to have some of the assets drawn and some not. You can change the duration too if you want. As for our given example, we only have one asset on the scene.The animation duration to set to 1.5 seconds which is the default setting. The delay value is set to zero. (Fig. 14)
Fig. 14
STEP 3: Duplicate the first scene
Once we’re all set, we go ahead and duplicate our first scene. (Fig. 15)
Fig. 15
STEP 4: Update Layers settings
In the second scene, we set the Duration and Delay within the Layer’s menu to zero. (Fig. 16).
Fig. 16
STEP 5: Duplicate the second scene
Now that our second scene is ready, we should duplicate it up to 6 times or more depending on how long you want the effect to stay. At this point, you already have several scenes to work on. (Fig 17)
Fig. 17
STEP 6: Edit text
a. Apply alternate colors to your text. You may start applying colors from the second scene, next is fourth, then sixth, and so on. If you prefer to start on the first scene, then third, and fifth, it’s also okay to do it that way. (Fig. 18)
Fig. 18
b. Create alternate movement for each scene. You can either drag the text using your mouse or use the arrow keys. (Fig. 19)
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Here now is our final output:
Fig. 22
Here is another example:
Fig. 23
Stop motion uses the same technique we used with the Glitch effect. The only difference is with stop motion, we let an object move from one location to the opposite direction of our scene. The best assets to use for a stop motion effect are usually objects that move in real life such as cars, trucks, and any other vehicle. You can also use objects that can roll like a ball, a rolling coin, a marble, etc. Or, you can also be creative and make non-moving objects swing or roll in your scene.
STEP 1: Add a background scene and set the exit animation to NONE.
As soon as you have completed adding your background image, set the exit animation of your first scene to “X” or NONE. (Fig. 24)
Fig. 24
STEP 2: Add the asset you wish to apply a stop motion effect.
For our example scene below, we added a red car. We’ll have this car moving from the left side going to the right side of our screen. (Fig. 25)
Fig. 25
STEP 3: Set the animation duration within the Layers menu to zero.
Duration and Delay value within the Layers menu should be set to zero.
Fig. 26
STEP 4. Minimize screen just enough to capture both ends of your scene.
We need to zoom out to capture our entire scene. When you get the full view of your screen, move the red car to the left side of your screen showing just the tip of the hood. (Fig. 27)
Fig. 27
STEP 5: Duplicate the first scene.
Hover your mouse to the first scene within the timeline and right-click. (Fig. 28)
Fig. 28
STEP 6: Move the car.
In the second scene, we will move the car half an inch forward. Once done, duplicate the second scene. (Fig. 29)
Fig. 29
STEP 7: Move the car once again.
Move the car an inch away from its previous position then duplicate the scene after. (Fig. 30)
Fig. 30
Keep repeating step 7 until the car finally reached the other side of your screen.
Fig. 31
Here now is our end result:
Fig. 32
So there you have it, our 3 special effects that you can use in your Doodly videos. What’s your favorite so far? We hope it inspires you to create more amazing presentation using the software. Until next time! 🙂
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