Monday, October 31, 2022
Exporting your video is the last option you do after you have created your animation video. In this blog, we will go over the different options we see on the export menu, discuss each function and look at the whole export process.
The Export option is found in the Actions Menu within the Edit Video screen. Another location where you can access the Export menu is by clicking the File menu which is located at the upper left side of your screen.
Let’s take a look at the options available within the Export menu.
When you click the Export menu you will see that it is divided into 2 categories: Destination and Settings.
Under Settings, we have the Resolution, FPS and Quality. You may not be familiar with some of these options and that is perfectly fine. We will look at the function of each menu, how it impacts our video, and so on.
Since Resolution is the most important option within the Export menu, we will have a look at it first.
There are 3 locations within Doodly where you can change the resolution of your video:
A. Within the “Create New Video” menu.
The default resolution of our video is 854 x 480. You can always change this to your preferred resolution at any point during your video creation process.
Let’s take a look at the different resolutions available.
The most commonly used resolutions for videos are either 480p, 720p, and 1080p. Deciding on which resolution to use would depend on where most of your viewers will play your video.
Below is a picture comparing how these 3 resolutions differ from each other when played on a laptop:
You will see that the video with 1080p resolution is displayed in full screen whereas 720p is a little larger than the 480p screen image which is pretty small.
The blue square within each screen indicates the size of the video where these resolution is best displayed.
If we play the video with 480p resolution on a smartphone, we expect it to look fine since smartphones have small screens but playing it on a laptop that has a big display will turn our 480p video pixelated.
If your viewers will mostly play your video on their phones, it may not be necessary for you to export it with a 1080p resolution.
Having said that, you really need to think about how the video is going to be used and take all of that into consideration before exporting your file.
Apart from the 1st 3 resolutions, we have another resolution option and that is Facebook and Instagram.
Facebook and IG requires a square fit resolution. In the picture below, you will see that it cuts some portion of the thumbnail because the video format is rectangular.
To set up a square fit resolution, we have to go to the Export Settings then change the resolution to “Facebook & Instagram”.
When using Facebook & Instagram from the resolution’s dropdown menu, the width and height is set to 1000 by 1000. In Doodly, you’ll notice that your preview screen will turn into a square as soon as you change the resolution to Facebook and IG.
Here’s another comparison this time it’s with the Doodly Scenes:
If changing the resolution to 1000 x 1000 made your scene and assets small, feel free to adjust it. Or, you might as well choose the correct resolution at the onset prior to editing your scenes so you don’t have to make too many adjustments afterward.
After setting the video to 1000p or choosing Facebook & Instagram from the resolution dropdown menu, you can now upload it to the social media website:
Doodly allows us to use a specific resolution for our video. So for some reason, if you need to personalize your resolution, you can go ahead and do so.
To use a specific resolution, we have to select “Custom” from the resolution’s dropdown menu.
If you want to constrain the aspect ratio, simply tick the “Constrain aspect ratio” box and it will make the adjustment accordingly.
FPS stands for frames per second. It is the number of individual video frames or images that are displayed per second. For videos, shooting standard 1080p is best at 15–30 fps.
24 fps is used for most videos recorded for the web because it’s the standard for any feature film and tv. It has the most cinematic frame rate out of all.
30 fps is a close-second standard for video around the web because it’s the standard for live tv, sports, soap operas, etc. Also, a lot of video recording apps for smartphones like Instagram, Facebook uses 30 fps.
For your Doodly videos, 30fps is commonly used.
60 fps is used for video recordings that will be edited in slow motion.
With the video’s quality, we have options low, medium, high and maximum. To check your video’s timing, you can try to set your video quality to the suggested minimum video quality below based on your chosen resolution. If you’re not happy with the output, you can always increase the video quality and see whichever works.
The recommended export settings for Doodly video files is 480p at 30fps and Maximum quality.
Currently, the available Doodly file formats are MP4, MKV, OGG, and WebM. The mp4 format is by far the most popular so it is the default option selected.
Finally, the last part of the export process is choosing your file location. You can always change your file destination prior to exporting your video by clicking the Change icon.
Most devices have a standard or default location for the downloaded videos. Usually, they are saved in the Videos folder for Windows users or the Movies folder for Mac users. Sometimes, it goes straight to Desktop.
You can expect an export speed of 3 minutes per minute of video (with average settings of 480p & 30 fps). The longer and more complicated the video, the longer it will take time to export, just be patient and wait for the download to be completed.
When the video is done exporting, you will see an option to “Show Exported File”. Click that option to view your exported video.
And that’s pretty much it! We have successfully finished the video export process.
We hope you learned something in our Doodly blog today. If you have any questions, feel free to visit our support page. Happy doodling! 🙂
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